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Ukraine: A Time for Peace is a priority campaign of Massachusetts Peace Action.
Our Mission
This campaign seeks to unite all those concerned about the Ukraine war – regardless of their views on the war — around the demand for a ceasefire and negotiations as the only realistic and humane way to end this deadly and dangerous conflict. We seek to educate the public in order to increase public opinion in support of such a ceasefire and negotiations policy and to mobilize that sentiment to bring pressure to bear on Congress and U.S. policy makers. We will focus not just on the need to immediately end the suffering and devastation of the war, but also on the danger that present U.S. policy increases the risk of nuclear confrontation; undermines the international cooperation needed to address the impending catastrophe of global warming; continues the ecological devastation of Ukraine; and increases the chances of a nuclear meltdown at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. We will make it clear how present U.S. policy drains tens of billions of dollars from poverty alleviation, education public health, climate mitigation and all the work that must be done here to create a just society. We also organize educational events to examine the historical events that led to the war in the first place.
2024 Work Plan
A core activity of our Campaign has been tabling in public areas, asking the public to send postcards to our Congressional Delegation to call for a CEASEFIRE and NEGOTIATIONS NOW! In addition we go to the offices of our delegation to press for a ceasefire; write letters and op-eds to media to increase public awareness; use social media to get out message out; hold internal discussions about the war; organize webinars and in-person forums on the roots of the war; and participate in the national efforts focused on giving visibility to the need for a ceasefire and negotiations. In addition, we organize rallies to call for ceasefire and to alert the public to the severe risks of continuation of the war and to the billions in resources taken from domestic needs that cry out for solutions. Finally, we will create an infrastructure of groups and individuals in key parts of the state to spread the campaign to other geographical areas.
Get Involved
WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you would like to become part of the support group of the campaign please sign up at or scan this QR code:
Here you will find possible ways for you to contribute. Our working group meets biweekly, usually on Tuesdays via zoom.


The Urgency of Peace Negotiations to End the Ukraine War

Somehow This Madness Must Cease! Rally to Commemorate the 3rd Anniversary of the Ukraine War
Flyers – Download and Print
Fund Public Schools in Massachusetts, Not Wars Abroad (trifold leaflet)
Fund Healthcare at Home, Not Wars Abroad (trifold leaflet)
Recommended Articles
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Why We Also Need a Ceasefire in Ukraine, by Richard Eskow
Understanding the Background of the Russia-Ukraine War, by Jeanne Trubek
The Path to Peace: Ceasefire and Negotiations, Not More Weapons to Ukraine, by Jackie Dee King