Raytheon Antiwar Campaign contingent at Walk for Hunger, May 2019. Mass. Peace Action photo
Raytheon Antiwar Campaign contingent at Walk for Hunger, May 2019. Mass. Peace Action photo

Our Mission

Our goal is to use Raytheon’s critical support to Saudi Arabia and its huge impact on Massachusetts to give visibility, create controversy, and mobilize opposition to the Saudi-US war in Yemen, the US/Saudi/Israeli push for war against Iran, US-Saudi-Israeli military involvement in Syria, and the destructive alliance between the US military and the Saudi backed by Raytheon’s bombs, technology, and buildup of Saudi Arabia’s military. The Raytheon Antiwar campaign is a member of the War Industry Resisters Network (WIRN).


The War in Yemen is a Massachusetts War. It’s up to us to Stop it!

Raytheon’s weapons, technology, deepening relationship with the brutal Saudi regime, and influence in the US State and Defense Department have made war crimes and the world’s worst human rights catastrophe possible. This war and the danger of new wars is right here, in our cities and off Routes 128, 93, 2 and 3. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham and has facilities in Cambridge, Burlington, Woburn, Tewksbury, Andover, Billerica, Marlborough and Northborough.

The Raytheon Antiwar Campaign works on divestment, research and publicity, rallies and vigils, advocacy to elected officials, educational events (including virtual webinars), and work with faith communities. We have participated in dozens of demonstrations at Raytheon facilities, campus career fairs, and community events.

This coalition includes Massachusetts Peace Action, the Veterans for Peace: Chapter 9 (the Smedley Butler Brigade), United Against War and Militarism, American Friends Service Committee, the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament, and Common Security, Friends Meeting at Cambridge – Peace and Social Justice Committee, Waltham Concerned Citizens, the Committee for Peace and Human Rights, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Justice.

Get Involved

If you’re interested in getting involved with the Raytheon Antiwar Campaign please reach out to Paul Shannon or Brian Garvey at raytheon@masspeaceaction.org.



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