IranNuclearDealIn October 2017, President Trump declared that he would withdraw from the carefully negotiated Iran nuclear deal that had been agreed upon in 2015 by the Obama administration. Since then, the US sanctions previously lifted in the deal have been reimposed, raining immense suffering, not upon the Iranian government, but upon the Iranian people. In the summer of 2019, Iran declared that they would begin to enrich Uranium beyond the level and quantity restrictions set in place by the agreement.

We call for the administration to return to the 2015 Nuclear Deal, lifting sanctions on Iran in the process. Furthermore, we call for both nations to begin to increase diplomatic talks and meetings so as to begin to work past the feud that has plagued both nations for decades and proven to be a barrier for peace. 

Resources from when the deal was being negotiated and passed:

Full Text of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

White House: The Historic Deal that will Prevent Iran from Acquiring a Nuclear Weapon

Congressional Progressive Caucus Applauds Final P5+1 Nuclear Agreement

Congressman McGovern Calls Iran Deal Major Step Forward for American Diplomacy

Arms Control Association: An Effective, Verifiable Nuclear Deal with Iran (updated July 23)

Friends Committee on National Legislation’s Nuclear Calendar

Iran Has Signed a Historic Nuclear Deal — Now It’s Israel’s Turn, by Javad Zarif, foreign minister of Iran, July 31, 2015

Video on the Iran Deal, including releases by Global Zero, J Street, Paul Heroux, MAPA’s 7/14 rally, and more

Resource list assembled by Rethink Media on the deal itself:

  • Iran Top-lines (one-pager) – See here
  • Key Excerpts of JCPOA – See here 
  • Talking Points on JCPOA – See here
  • Iran Messaging Document – See here
  • Countering Opponent’s Messaging – See here
  • Factsheet on Additional Protocol – See here
  • Factsheet on Longevity of the Deal – See here
  • Factsheet Countering Opponents of a Deal – See here
  • Experts Support the Emerging Nuclear Deal with Iran – See here and online
  • Comprehensive Verification and Monitoring System Fact Sheet – See here
  • Fact-Checking AIPAC’s Statement – See here
  • AIPAC is wrong to reject Iran Deal via J Street – See here
  • Nuanced Views from Israel on the Iran Nuclear Deal via J Street – See here
  • Explainer: Deal and Sanctions timing – See here


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