Campaign Name: Palestine Solidarity
Working Group Name: Palestine Israel Working Group
Executive Summary
The MAPA Palestine/Israel Working Group raises awareness around Palestinian rights through public education, coalition building, and direct action, as well as advocating for political and legislative change in Congress and in the Massachusetts legislature. We seek to continuously educate ourselves, the Massachusetts community, and our elected representatives.
Long Range Policy Goal: Change U.S. policy away from one-sided support for Israel; end US financial and political support to the Israeli occupation and apartheid of the Palestinian people.
Achievable Objectives for 2022: Pressure Representative Katherine Clark to take Palestinian friendly stances/actions in Congress; put pressure on the US Government to demand that Israel revokes the terrorist designation placed on 6 Palestinian NGOs; increase public education and awareness; congressional support of H.Res.751 and H.R.2590.
Activities planned in 2022 to further policy goal: Hosting regular webinars and educational events to raise awareness around Palestinian issues; sending out regular New Day Action Alerts with information and avenues for action that Massachusetts residents can take to pressure their representatives and senators; holding public actions to draw attention to current events in Palestine and those who support Israel’s apartheid.
Coalition work: Our working group emphasizes building collaborative relationships with other Boston Palestinian Solidarity organizations such as Jewish Voices for Peace Boston, BDS Boston, and Students for Justice in Palestine.
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