“I voted” stickers in English and Spanish, Virginia, USA, November 2014. (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) photo.)
Peace Voter

My Thoughts on the Election

by Jania James I found out about the election results around 6:30 in the morning with my roommate by my side, and I was hit with a mix of feelings, mostly disappointment, but not entirely surprise. I had a sense this would be the outcome […]

Peace Voter

Trump Won. Peace was a Factor.

by Brian Garvey After an unexpected landslide victory Donald Trump will become the 47th President of the United States and Vice President Kamala Harris won’t.  After elections there is always the temptation among the electorate to give up and check out of politics or to […]

Peace Voter

Compos Mentis

By Hoffmann the Organizer This week’s presidential debate was shocking on every level.  The two candidates contending to lead the biggest economy and military power in the world were visibly and audibly incompetent (in the technical sense of mental and physical health).  Both parties need […]


60,000 Massachusetts Voters Say “No Preference”

On March 5, our No Preference MA campaign not only met but exceeded our expectations in ways we couldn’t have imagined. We achieved an extraordinary number of “No Preference” votes that speaks volumes about our collective power and determination. Drawing inspiration from Michigan’s efforts, No Preference MA rapidly evolved into […]