Our Main Areas of Work

Work Plan 2024

  1. WARHEADS TO WINDMILLS CAMPAIGN: This is both a local and national campaign. We support it by advocating for legislation and helping recruit supportive individuals and organizations. Within MAPA, we collaborate with:
    1. the Climate Action and Nuclear Disarmament United (CANDU) campaign;
    2. the nuclear disarmament working group;
    3. other campaigns and working groups, as much as possible.  For more details, go to www.nuclearban.us/w2w/  
  2. PARADIGM SHIFTS AND DE-GROWTH:  This is a subgroup of Peace and Climate that met for over a year and decided to focus on uncovering the degrowth paradigm. We concluded with a webinar on degrowth. Out of that webinar, we attracted several people from different states who have been meeting regularly, researching and discussing various aspects of degrowth. The degrowth paradigm deals with the environmental and military consequences of relentless economic growth and prescribes ways to reduce material and energy use and waste in wealthy countries while providing universal basic services and other benefits of a well-being steady-state economy, providing loan relief and aid to developing countries and greater democracy at home. Head here for more information. New members are welcome.
  3. WORK THAT RECONNECTS (WTR): This is a “toolkit” of experiential practices to help activists and others who experience difficult emotions like grief, anger, and fear when they address problems such as the climate crisis, wars, and social injustice. The Peace & Climate group co-chairs are co-facilitators of WTR, and the group helps organize both in-person and online workshops, open to all members of MAPA and the general public.  For more information, go to www.workthatreconnects.org  and www.interhelpnetwork.org