Activists will gather at Rep. Clark’s office to ask her to take the human rights and political rights of Palestinians seriously. Being proposed at the standout are several steps she can take to show her commitment to Palestinain rights and human rights:
Reject AIPAC’S endorsement
AIPAC is a pro Israel (anti-Palestinian) lobby group that opposes any viable peace process in the Middle East, opposes the Iran Nuclear Deal, de facto support for illega Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestine Territories, and plays a major role in mainstreaming Islamophoba in the US. Now, AIPAC has endorsed a Massachusetts Representative, Rep. Clark, making it nearly impossible for her to become open to Palestinian friendly policies, therefore it is vital that she publicly reject their endorsment.
Write a letter similar to Representative Jim Mcgovern’s that asks the Biden Adminitration to condem Israel’s designation of 6 Palestinian NGOs as terroists
The Israeli government has designated 6 Palesstinian NGOs as terrorists, which is harmful to the employees of these organizations as well as Palestinian society. Recently, Rep. McGovern wrote a letter to Secretary Blinken condeming this action and standing up for all human rights. Activists encourage Rep. Clark to write her own letter to show her support for these NGOs and Palestinians.
Support two bills in Congress: H.Res.751 and H.R.2590
H.Res.751 asks the President and State Department to publicly condem the Israeli government’s anti-democratic act of designating 6 Palestinian NGOs as terrorists.
H.R.2590 would limit US assistance and aid to Israel and demand Israel-specific reporting requirements on its activities in the West Bank.
If you would like to learn more about these asks, you can find more information on the event annoucement page.
For Immediate Release: Contact: Cole Harrison, When: Saturday, February 5th, 1pm-2pm Where: Park Street Station, Boston, MA 02108 Massachusetts Peace Action and allies are coming together on Saturday, February 5th from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST to hold a rally in Boston at Park Street […]
Media Release: Massachusetts Peace Action Condemns Unlawful U.S. Attacks On Yemen By Biden Administration (CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts) January 12th, 2024 – Last night, President Joe Biden bombed several locations in Yemen without Congressional authorization and in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution. Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA) […]
Sept 15 — Peace activists will rally today at Congressional offices to demand the United States pursue negotiations to end the Russia-Ukraine war and oppose increases in the Pentagon budget. The rallies will take place at the offices of three Democratic Representatives who have voted […]