Mass. Peace Action’s 2021 board election will be held during our Annual Meeting, which will be held as an online meeting on April 24. The Board of Directors is responsible for directing MAPA’s work between Annual Meetings.
As Massachusetts Peace Action works to grow and strengthen our organization, we are also working to strengthen our Board. We seek Board members that can help lead our organizing, raise money, expand our connections and coalitions, represent various areas of the state, increase our diversity, and bring new skills to our work. The Board is a body that is elected by, and represents, the membership.
Board members serve a 2-year term and are eligible for re-election. Board members sign a membership agreement defining the expectations of Board members. Half of the at-large members are elected each year. The maximum number of seats on the board is 26 according to the bylaws. The Board can appoint members to fill vacant seats between annual elections. We seek to have at least one Board member from each of Massachusetts’ nine Congressional Districts and satisfy other diversity goals.
A list of candidates was nominated by MAPA’s Executive Committee, acting as nominating committee, on March 16, 2021. Members may submit additional nominees or nominate themselves by April 18, 2021. To be eligible, nominees must submit the names of any five MAPA members who support their candidacy to the office at info@masspeaceaction.org. Nominees are requested to fill out a Board member agreement.
MAPA members can vote for at-large members up to the number of vacant at-large seats. Those receiving the most votes will be elected. Ballots can only be cast in person at the annual meeting. Be sure to renew your membership in time to participate in the Board election, or when registering for the Annual Meeting itself. The standard dues amount is $40/year for an individual, $65 for a family, or $10 for low income or students. Those who contribute in any amount to Massachusetts Peace Action or make a tax-deductible donation to the Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund for the past two years, calculated by quarter, i.e. from April 1, 2019 forward, are eligible to vote at the 2021 Annual Meeting. Join us or Renew your membership today!
March 26, 2021 – Notice of annual meeting sent to members. Additional reminders will also be sent.
April 1, 2021 – Second notice of annual meeting sent to members and supporters, including election process and names of nominees posted on website.
April 18, 2021– Additional nominees due
April 24, 2021 – Special online annual meeting will elect board members. New board members take office immediately.
Questions? Call the office at 617-354-2169 or email info@masspeaceaction.org.