(Cambridge) June 12 – Peace activists will testify Monday and Tuesday on three bills relating to peace issues.
The Joint Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Management will discuss the Nuclear Weapons & Climate Commission bill (H.738), Monday, June 12, 2023 at at 11:00 AM EST in State House room B-2.. The bill will set up a commission to plan how to end production of nuclear weapons and use of fossil fuels in the Commonwealth.
The Joint Committee on Transportation will hear testimony on two bills in support of automatic draft registration (H.3296/ S.2281). The bills would cause applicants for drivers’ licenses, learner’s permits, state ID cards, and renewals of these cards to be automatically registered with the Selective Service System unless the applicant opts out. The hearing will be on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 10:00 am EST in State House Room B-2.
Two bills to divest the state pension fund from companies that produce nuclear weapons (S.1651/H.2480) will be heard by the Joint Committee on Public Service on June 13th, 1:00 p.m. EST, in room A-1 .
MAPA supports the two Nuclear Weapons bills and opposes the draft registration bill.