Capitol Wall.lg


Summary on Israeli Settlements

Israeli Settlements: Obstacles to Peace in Defiance of Int. Law and US Policy

Settlements Map: “Facts on the Ground” (APN Map Project)

Report on “A New Day” Conference 

Letter to Sen. Markey Regarding S. Res. 302

Draft Resolution on Settlements

Map of Massachusetts Congressional Districts

H.R.4514 – Combating BDS Act of 2016

Governors Against BDS Statement by the American Jewish Committee (AJC)

Massachusetts Anti-BDS Legislation (Amendment #173 to H.4461)

Massachusetts Freedom to Boycott Coalition

“A New Day” is the initiative of Massachusetts Peace Action, in collaboration with other local Palestine solidarity efforts and individual activists, aimed at strengthening efforts to influence elected officials and government bodies to change U.S. policy. It grew out of a successful conference in Cambridge last November that was attended by almost 200 people.  The aim of this project is to build a powerful grassroots organization in every corner of our state that will focus on advocacy and bring to bear the growing sentiment for a different U.S. policy regarding Palestine and Israel.  We hope that our initiative might also spur similar efforts around the country – what we have called “The 50-State Solution.”

Massachusetts’ first state-wide organizing meeting to challenge the attitudes and actions of our public officials – in Congress and in the Statehouse – concerning Israel and its occupation of Palestine, was held on November 14, 2015.
We got off to a great start, with a presence in all nine Congressional Districts (CDs) and the launch of two coordinated campaigns: one to introduce a Congressional resolution disapproving of settlements as an obstacle to peace and a violation of international law; the other to expose the corrupting nature of “educational” trips to Israel – each worth many thousands of dollars – that office holders are routinely treated to as a means of covert lobbying.
One of our accomplishments was the designation of CD leaders for the “A New Day” initiative. These leaders will be communicating with residents within their respective CDs in order to organize meetings and plan future actions.  CD-specific email groups have been established to help you stay in touch with others in your district. We hope you will consider meeting with fellow constituents in your respective CDs before the end of the year to move these actions forward.
We suggest that the upcoming CD meetings discuss:
  • How best to communicate – Telephone tree?  Email list?  
  • Recruiting more CD members to be active either to meet regularly or to be part of a rapid response lobbying/phone/letter-writing/email/visit rep group
  • Check-up on “Junket” campaign activities
  • Consider writing a letter to your House Rep. (possibly signed by as large a group in the CD as possible) asking for a meeting to discuss the situation in I/P and how the U.S. can/should contribute toward genuine peace with justice.   

    We suggest you mention in your request that recent Congressional action have been extremely one-sided and not helpful toward a solution – condemning only “Palestinian incitement” and omitting any mention of occupation.  And you should mention in the letter that you want to discuss/ask for Congressional action to re-affirm U.S. policy that settlements are “illegitimate” and “obstacles to peace.”


In addition, a sample “Resolution on Settlements” has been posted that will serve as a starting point for future drafts (we expect to go through several versions – shortening and calibrating to what most realistically can be introduced).
96 attendees at the conference also signed a letter of protest to Senator Markey regarding a one-sided resolution, S. Res. 302 on Monday, that he cosponsored.  The letter was delivered to his staff on Monday, November 16; we’re negotiating a meeting with the Senator and will keep you posted.


Contact your Representatives and Senators consistently on these issues.  It only takes a few minutes.

Emails will be tabulated by staffers, but phone calls are more effective; on-line petitions are less impactful. Postcards are also useful and will be read. Letters hand-delivered to Congressional offices in DC or locally are better than ones mailed through the post office, since security measures will delay them considerably.

State Rep. and Senator Contact: CD1 – Rep. Neal   (202) 225-5601 CD2 –McGovern   (202) 225-6101

CD3 – Tsongas  (202) 225-3411

CD4 – Kennedy   (202) 225-5931 CD5 – Clark   (202) 225-2836
CD6 – Moulton   (202) 225-8020 CD7 – Capuano   (202) 225-5111 CD8 – Lynch   (202) 225-8273
CD9 – Keating    (202) 225-3111  Sen. Ed Markey   (202) 224-2742 Sen. Elizabeth Warren  (202) 224-4543
Further details and contact information for the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation here.
Please refer to the map below to locate your Congressional District!
Email us at for any questions, or to be added to our mailing list and CD google groups.