“A New Day” is the initiative of Massachusetts Peace Action, in collaboration with other local Palestine solidarity efforts and individual activists, aimed at strengthening efforts to influence elected officials and government bodies to change U.S. policy. It grew out of a successful conference in Cambridge last November that was attended by almost 200 people. The aim of this project is to build a powerful grassroots organization in every corner of our state that will focus on advocacy and bring to bear the growing sentiment for a different U.S. policy regarding Palestine and Israel. We hope that our initiative might also spur similar efforts around the country – what we have called “The 50-State Solution.”
- How best to communicate – Telephone tree? Email list?
- Recruiting more CD members to be active either to meet regularly or to be part of a rapid response lobbying/phone/letter-writing/
email/visit rep group - Check-up on “Junket” campaign activities
- Consider writing a letter to your House Rep. (possibly signed by as large a group in the CD as possible) asking for a meeting to discuss the situation in I/P and how the U.S. can/should contribute toward genuine peace with justice.
We suggest you mention in your request that recent Congressional action have been extremely one-sided and not helpful toward a solution – condemning only “Palestinian incitement” and omitting any mention of occupation. And you should mention in the letter that you want to discuss/ask for Congressional action to re-affirm U.S. policy that settlements are “illegitimate” and “obstacles to peace.”
Contact your Representatives and Senators consistently on these issues. It only takes a few minutes.
Emails will be tabulated by staffers, but phone calls are more effective; on-line petitions are less impactful. Postcards are also useful and will be read. Letters hand-delivered to Congressional offices in DC or locally are better than ones mailed through the post office, since security measures will delay them considerably.
State Rep. and Senator Contact: | CD1 – Rep. Neal (202) 225-5601 | CD2 –McGovern (202) 225-6101 |
CD3 – Tsongas (202) 225-3411 |
CD4 – Kennedy (202) 225-5931 | CD5 – Clark (202) 225-2836 |
CD6 – Moulton (202) 225-8020 | CD7 – Capuano (202) 225-5111 | CD8 – Lynch (202) 225-8273 |
CD9 – Keating (202) 225-3111 | Sen. Ed Markey (202) 224-2742 | Sen. Elizabeth Warren (202) 224-4543 |