Mass Peace Action Priority Campaign Strategy
Massachusetts Peace Action works in Three Major Strategy Areas:
- The great powers / geopolitical area includes nuclear disarmament, the threat of great power war, and specifically the Ukraine war, no cold war, the US competitions with Russia and China, and the Korean conflict.
- The wars, interventions, occupations and sanctions area includes Middle East wars, Palestine/Israel, Latin America/Caribbean, and efforts to oppose sanctions on smaller countries. Any future work on Africa peace issues would go here. The Raytheon campaign and efforts to oppose and divest from war industries may best fit here.
- The peace economy/ just society area builds alliances with domestic progressive movements. These include fund healthcare not warfare; efforts to cut the Pentagon budget; peace and climate; racial justice and indigenous solidarity; economic justice movements such as Fair Share, housing groups, labor solidarity; social justice movements including women’s rights, gender issues; efforts to strengthen democracy in the United States such as voting rights, freedom for political prisoners like Julian Assange and Daniel Hale, support for the Poor People’s Campaign; and working to unify the progressive movement politically (e.g. MPAOC). In many cases MAPA is not the lead organizer of campaigns in this space, but plays a supportive role; we also seek to link these domestic issues to the peace issues.
Success in each of these areas is indispensable to MAPA’s mission. All of the three areas have interconnections, and over the coming year, we will seek to develop three to six priority campaigns, operating in each of the three main areas. While continuing our ongoing work in each of our Working Groups and their subcommittees, the Priority Campaigns will be a focused effort with a start and end that purposefully uses tactics to increase our political influence over the issue, engage more of our MAPA membership, and to extend our voice to new and more diverse audiences. While never abandoning our traditional ongoing work, we also will commit key resources such as time of staff, interns, volunteers, as well as with appropriate fundraising, increase our budget to cover increased material resources that these campaigns may entail