Veterans Gather for Reclaim Armistice Day Rally

Reclaim Armistice Day

(Boston) On Armistice Day, at 10:30AM on Friday, November 11th, the Boston Chapter of Veterans for Peace will gather at the Sam Adams Statue at Slave Trader’s Hall (formerly named Fanueil Hall) for a Peace Vigil, and at 11:00AM ring bells to commemorate the end of World War 1.

Their message is to be a take off of the establishment of Armistice Day, 100 years ago to celebrate the cessation of the war to end all wars, and to lift up the war state of our current world.  We are encouraging signs for a current Armistice in the Russian /Ukraine war – urging the US to urge negotiations.

Doug Stuart will give a short history of Armistice Day/ Veterans Day.

Their main speaker, Henry Quinlan, will speak for 15 minutes on Russia and the possibility of peace in Ukraine.  Owner of Omni Publishing Company, Quinlan has made more than 60 trips to the former Soviet Union and Russia, most recently in 2018.

David Rothauser will announce his documentary on Smedley Butler, for whom the chapter is named.