Tribute to James A. Babson

James A. Babson

by Shelagh Foreman and Yeva Khranovska

Jamie Babson was an important member of Massachusetts Peace Action since the 1970s and a member of our Board of Directors since its inception.  

He was committed to building Massachusetts Peace Action and made a lasting impact on the organization. One of his early contributions was at our first big event: the Conference on Economic Conversion and Military Spending, at the Federal Reserve building in 1988, with Robert Reich as the keynote speaker and talks or messages from Senators Kennedy and Kerry. Elenore Le Cain led the exciting program, and at the end of that exciting day Jamie urged me to invite Elenore to join our board. She did, and helped MAPA grow, until she was asked to run for Congress.

Jamie broadened the areas of activism that MAPA worked within. A worldly and knowledgeable person, he had a unique perspective to contribute. He cared deeply about the wellbeing and flourishing of the organization.

Jamie was a major connection with Western Massachusetts, bringing us news of peace activity in the area and connecting us to different organizations. In particular, he expanded our network with veterans organizations and with the New England Peace Pagoda.

A kind, caring and friendly person, Jamie was an important addition to any organization. MAPA benefited from his generosity.  He was a philanthropist, the trustee of family foundations, and a founding member of the Threshold Foundation. An early advocate of socially responsible investing, he was an integral member of Green America and the Investors Circle.  

Jamie leaves behind his wife Senani Wijeyewardena and his son Maithri Babson.

MAPA is deeply appreciative of Jamie’s work with us. He helped shape the organization into what it is today in many ways, forging connections and expanding our work. 

Read Jamie’s obituary here.