Thank you for 2019’s successful Education Fund drive!

MAPA Actions 2019

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THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our 2019 fund drive!  Thanks to you, Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund substantially exceeded our annual goal!

YOU donated $151,943 to our general fund, substantially above our goal of $140,200.  And, we also received an additional $20,000 for the new Elephant in the Room project, which is shining a spotlight on Presidential candidates’ silence about the runaway Pentagon budget. 

610 donors gave amounts large and small to MAPA Education Fund in 2019 — ranging from 5 people who gave $5 each, to a family foundation that gave $15,000.

Moving Mountains for Peace

Our donors know that a strong peace movement is needed today more than ever. U.S. threats of war in Iran, Korea, and Venezuela, preparation for great power war with Russia and China, and ongoing wars in Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, and Niger and more continue, accompanied by one-sided support for Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Executive director Cole Harrison presented the 2019 Peace Leadership Award to author James Carroll at our Moving Mountains for Peace dinner on Sept. 28
Executive director Cole Harrison presented the 2019 Peace Leadership Award to author James Carroll at our Moving Mountains for Peace dinner on Sept. 28

Against this tide, and with increasing support from growing numbers of peace advocates, Peace Action has survived and grown.  

All Donations to the Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund are tax-deductible.   Please give generously!

Updated Jan. 31, 2020