Remembering Hiroshima: Occupy the Airwaves

Garrett Connelly of Greenfield and Nan Davies of Amherst held a sign in remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August on the Greenfield Commons, calling for a ban on nuclear weapons. Greenfield Recorder/ Ella Adams photo
Garrett Connelly of Greenfield and Nan Davies of Amherst held a sign in remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 2021 on the Greenfield Commons, calling for a ban on nuclear weapons. Greenfield Recorder/ Ella Adams photo

Hear an engaging and informative Anti- Nuclear Occupy the Airwaves program.  OTA hosts Paki Wieland and Stephen Linsky sit down with Pat Hynes, Traprock, and Merri Ansara, Mass Peace Action, who share information about events commemorating Hiroshima and Nagasaki and beyond.

Broadcast July 31 on Occupy the Airwaves, Valley Free Radio, WXOJ-LP, 103.3 FM in Northampton, MA, — Inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement and the belief that another world is possible.

Listen to the recording