MAPA Voices: “UNTHINKABLE” by Robert Cable

The Peace Advocate August 2024

Source: Om777om, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons


for Smedley Butler Brigade

of Veterans for Peace


Today is “Hiroshima Day,”

courtesy of Enola Gay.

Bombardier Ferebee’s “Bombs away!”

blasted much of that town away.

“Little Boy,” first atomic bomb,

Was dropped on it without a qualm.

That August 6th, 1945,

half of its souls did not survive

the bombing by the USA.

Many more slowly passed away.

Then, August 9th, “Nagasaki Day,”

another bomb came into play.

Over that lovely Asian town,

atomic “Fat Man” tumbled down

when bombardier Beahan gave the word

from B-29 “Bock’s Car.” One-third

of Nagasaki’s souls weren’t alive

at August’s end, 1945.

Thus, death began “the Atomic Age;”

and now we’re in an “advanced” stage,

with weapons even spookier:

missiles are thermo-nuclear.


The USA invented them.

The USSR then copied them.

UK, then France, then China got

atomic bombs so they would not

“miss out.” India, Pakistan

followed the path USA began.

Israel, then North Korea last

learned to make a nuclear blast.

Nine nations now have bombs to kill

more than pandemics ever will.

Nine nations armed with nuclear bombs

can make a myriad hecatombs.

Nine nations have force to destroy

the world with bombs they may deploy.

Once-“horrible, unthinkable”

attacks are now quite thinkable:

disasters of vast nuclear death

and mass destruction in one breath!


Because they cause eternal night,

such bombs should not have seen the light

of day. But U.S. MIC

was not content with TNT.

It made a superbomb instead

with power to make a billion dead.

But if they use that god-damned bomb,

they’ll die, rich, in the hecatomb.

Their love of money may thus bring

all planetary life to nothing.

Such faith in money, not in God,

and lust to get a mega-wad

despite doom for humanity

is absolute insanity!

Whoever uses this evil tool

must count as history’s biggest fool,

with gross guilt for their mega crime:

the greatest murder of all time.

To use such bombs is suicide.

From radiation, none can hide.

Retaliation will be fast.

The bomber’s day will be his last.


Hellish nuclear Armageddon

seems to be the way we’re headin’ .

America or Russia may

be first to order “Bombs away!”,

incinerating much of Earth

and prompting evil Satan’s mirth.

I want to live, not die in war!

War’s not what good God made us for.

You, too, I’m sure, want peaceful life

instead of death in nuclear strife.

So, we must end this fiendish means

of filling Earth with hellish scenes,

professing Christianity

while wiping out humanity.

Such crime was once “unthinkable,”

as strychnine is undrinkable.

No longer deemed “impossible,”

nuclear holocaust is possible.

This world is God’s most precious gift.

These weapons turn it into zift.

I’ll use this place to say “Goodbye,”

in case death plummets from the sky.

May God forbid that it occurs,

extinguishing my life and yours

and other lives, uncountable:

disaster insurmountable.

Today’s “unthinkable” is peace.

From that mistake we need release

and from satanic atom bombs

for which we lack sufficient qualms.

Peace—peace and love to one and all

who don’t want any bombs to fall.

Spend taxes on far better things.

Enjoy the pleasures world peace brings.

© Robert Cable — Hiroshima Day, 2024

(associate member, VFP – Chapter 9)