August 2-9, 2021 • Events Calendar
Why observe Hiroshima/Nagasaki Week? Read our call to action!
Why observe Hiroshima/Nagasaki Week? Read our call to action!
by Gail Tipton In May 2018, I saw a documentary film called Paper Lanterns. It tells the story of Shigeaki Mori’s research to identify and honor 12 American soldiers who had died when the first atomic bomb devastated Hiroshima, Japan at 8:15 a.m., August 6, […]
In solidarity with the global grassroots “Peace Wave” initiated by Gensuikyo and as a testament to the growing demand for nuclear disarmament, peace activists across the Commonwealth and in Rhode Island held some two dozen events marking the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombings of […]
by Maryellen Kurkulos As humanity grapples with multiple and intensifying existential crises, leaders of the nuclear powers spar as though in some alternate universe, oblivious to the reality that even a limited nuclear exchange would have disastrous, irreversible consequences for our environment and human survival. […]
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