Progressive activists inside and outside of the Democratic Party have decided to issue invitations to a Democratic “UnConvention” to take place virtually on Sunday afternoon, June 2nd from 2pm – 4pm.
Robert Kuttner, professor, journalist, and author of “The Massachusetts Blues,” published in the American Prospect, a magazine he co-founded, will be the keynote speaker who will explain his analysis of why the popular progressive policies being passed in many other “Blue” states are not being implemented here in Massachusetts.
We will also have Danielle Allan, a previous gubernatorial candidate, to briefly address the assembly regarding Democracy Reform and opening up the process for candidates to run for elected office. We will have breakout sessions that will be facilitated by leaders in the field.
Sponsored by Massachusetts Progressive Action Organizing Committee. The Massachusetts Progressive Action Organizing Committee, (MPAOC), is a MA State-wide alliance of Political and Community organizations, formed to increase progressive political power. We aim to support progressive candidates and progressive legislation and increase the unity and clarity of the progressive movement. Its members are Massachusetts Peace Action, North American Indian Center of Boston, Act On Mass, Progressive Democrats of America, Our Revolution Massachusetts, Progressive Mass, and Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution. Learn more about MPAOC.
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