As April 15th approaches, almost all Americans understand their responsibilities to pay income taxes to the Federal Government. But very few of us know that more than half of those taxes will be spent on weapons, wars and military costs. We invite you to rally with us and to contact your representatives!
As a result of this extreme military spending, critical human needs will be underfunded in housing, health care, public transit, higher education, pandemic preparedness, environmental protection and climate programs.
As part of an effort to inform Mass. residents of these crucial budget choices, MAPA and allies will be holding our annual Tax Day Demonstration in Downtown Crossing, Boston and on Greenfield Common. Our message is simple: “Spend Our Tax Dollars for Human Needs, Not Foreign Wars”.
With banners and signs, speakers and music we urge everyone to support cuts in the military budget to meet urgent needs.
See a fact sheet on Pentagon spending in 2023.
Speakers will include State Representative Mike Connolly; Rev. Savina Martin, co-chair of the Mass. Poor People’s Campaign; Michael Kane, Mass. Alliance of HUD Tenants; Lady Lawrence Carty, Housing=Health, and more; with music from singer/songwriter Ben Grosscup.
Add MAPA’s events to your Google Calendar! 1) Open Google Calendar on a computer. 2) Under “Other Calendars” on the left, press the small downward arrow. 3) Choose Add by URL, then enter this URL:
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