Workshop for activists and all concerned people
Our current social, economic and political system—“business as usual”—is causing huge problems: climate and ecological disruption, wars and mass violence, racial and economic oppression and many other injustices, as well as existential threats to democracy. In the face of all this, we can feel overwhelmed by fear, grief, anger, hopelessness and other difficult emotions. The Work That Reconnects (WTR), developed by Joanna Macy and others, provides a toolkit for processing these overwhelming feelings. Using experiential exercises, WTR has helped thousands of people build resilience, connect deeply with all life, and release energy to act on behalf of all people and other beings*.
All are invited to join us on Sept. 28. Snacks provided, but please bring a water bottle, also a pen and paper/notebook (we will do some writing). The workshop is offered free of charge, as part of the gift economy. Donations are welcome, to help pay workshop costs. Cosponsored by the first Parish Social Justice Council; Mass. Peace Action; and 350 Mass (Cambridge-Somerville node). Led by Rosalie Anders, Natalie Johnson and John MacDougall.
Please register in advance: email
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