Boston City Council calls on US Government to Pursue Nuclear Disarmament

Boston Passed a Back from the Brink resolution!
Councilor Breadon holding up Boston Latin School petition
Councilor Breadon holding up Boston Latin School petition as she introduces nuclear disarmament resolution

The Boston City Council has passed a resolution urging our federal leaders to make nuclear disarmament the centerpiece of national security policy.   It was introduced by Liz Breadon, district councilor from Allston-Brighton.

In the photo, Councilor Breadon holds up a petition signed by 300 Boston Latin School students calling for the resolution.  The petition was organized by Jack Trapanick, a BLS senior who was a MAPA intern in Summer 2021.   Jack organized a school assembly on nuclear disarmament last month which was addressed by Ira Helfand of Back from the Brink.

Boston City Council resolution page 1

Boston City Council resolution page 2