WILPF Boston at Islamic Cultural Center of Boston, August 19, 2017 for anti-fascist march. L to R: Barbara Stahler-Sholk, one of the imams of the mosque, Joan Ecklein, and David Rothauser. Photo courtesy Barbara Stahler-Sholk
Our People

Tribute to Joan Ecklein

by Val Moghadam, WILPF Member and MAPA Board Member April 2022 Joan’s passing came as a shock because she and I had talked on the phone in late February, and we had planned to meet for lunch in April when the weather improved. Between spring […]

Malala Maiwand, one of 10 Afghan journalists killed in 2020. In addition to working as a TV and radio presenter, Maiwand was also an activist who advocated for the rights of Afghan women and children. AP photo
Middle East Wars

Afghanistan’s Tragedy

by Valentine Moghadam Originally published in Against the Current This background analysis and personal account by Professor Valentine Moghadam was written on May 27, 2021, before the precipitous August offensive and conquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban.  AFGHANISTAN HAS BEEN in a state of chaos […]

The protectors of our industries
Strategy and Ideas

Capitalist Crisis, Radical Opportunity

by Valentine Moghadam Contribution to the Great Transition Initiative’s Forum: Can Human Solidarity Globalize? Richard Falk’s eloquent essay asks us to make the leap from “the politics of the possible” to “a politics of impossibility” by imagining and crafting a “moral epistemology to achieve responsible anthropocentrism” […]

Middle East Wars

Withdrawing Troops from Afghanistan

This article was updated on April 14th, 2021 to reflect new developments by Val Moghadam and the Massachusetts Peace Action’s Middle East Working Group For nearly two decades, MAPA has called for the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. We continue to call for a complete […]

Middle East Wars

IRAQ: Occupation, Governance, Protests

The 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq by U.S. and British forces was a momentous event for Iraq, the region, and the world.  Since then, Iraq has experienced political instability, corruption, deteriorating public services, economic decline, Da’esh (Islamic State/ISIS) terrorism, and several protest waves (e.g., […]