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Massachusetts Peace Action
Legislative Agenda – Federal – 2015-16
U.S. Senate
- Iran
- Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (aimed at blocking the implementation of any agreement between Iran and the P5+1)
- S.625, S.615, sponsored by Sen. McConnell (R-KY) (Originally filed by Corker)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors: 0
- MassPeaceAction’s Iranian negotiations e-alert
- David Zackron’s MAPA article
- Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act (re-imposes all sanctions previously passed by Congress but suspended at the outset of the P5+1 talks, and to impose escalating additional sanctions on Iran if a final agreement is not reached)
- S.269, sponsored by Sen. Kirk (R-IL)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors: 51
- MassPeaceAction’s Iranian negotiations e-alert
- Article by MAPA’s David Zackron
- A bill to provide for consideration of legislation to respond to a violation by Iran of an arrangement relating to its nuclear program, and for other purposes
- S.669, sponsored by Sen. Boxer (D-CA)
- MAPA Position: YES (better than alternatives)
- # of co-sponsors: 6
- Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (aimed at blocking the implementation of any agreement between Iran and the P5+1)
- Authorization for the Use of Military Force
- Sunset of the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force Act
- S.526, sponsored by Sen. Cardin (D-MD), co-sponsored by Sen. Murphy (D-CT)
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 1
- Just Security’s alert page
- Sunset of the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force Act
- Israel/Palestine
- A bill to include among the principal trade negotiating objectives of the United States regarding trade negotiating objectives discouraging activity that discourages, penalizes, or otherwise limits commercial relations with Israel
- S.619, sponsored by Sen. Cardin (D-MD)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors: 1
- Defend Israel by Defunding Palestinian Foreign Aid Act of 2015
- S.34, sponsored by Sen. Paul (R-KY)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors: 0
- Stand with Israel Act of 2015
- S.663, sponsored by Sen. Paul (R-KY)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors: 0
- A bill to include among the principal trade negotiating objectives of the United States regarding trade negotiating objectives discouraging activity that discourages, penalizes, or otherwise limits commercial relations with Israel
- Ukraine
- Defense of Ukraine Act of 2015
- S.452, sponsored by Sen. Inhofe (R-OK)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors: 16
- Washington Post’s article about Ukraine
- A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding attacks carried out by Russian-backed rebels on the civilian population in Mariupol, Ukraine, and the provision of lethal and non-lethal military assistance to Ukraine
- S.Res.72, sponsored by Sen. Johnson (R-WI)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors: 21
- Defense of Ukraine Act of 2015
- Nuclear Weapons
- Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures (SANE) Act (prohibits spending on: F-35s carrying nuclear weapons, reduce B61, W71, and MOX spending, replacing research building at Los Alamos, uranium processing facility at Y-12 Security Complex; cuts nuclear weapon subs to 8, submarine launched missiles to 250 and ICBMs on alert to 250)
- S. 831 Sponsored by Sen. Markey (D-MA)
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 3
- Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures (SANE) Act (prohibits spending on: F-35s carrying nuclear weapons, reduce B61, W71, and MOX spending, replacing research building at Los Alamos, uranium processing facility at Y-12 Security Complex; cuts nuclear weapon subs to 8, submarine launched missiles to 250 and ICBMs on alert to 250)
- Cuba
- Freedom to Export to Cuba Act
- S.491, sponsored by Sen. Klobuchar (D-MN)
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 6
- Latin America Working Group’s action alert
- Freedom to Export to Cuba Act
- Privacy
- Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015
- S.356, sponsored by Sen. Lee (R-UT)
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 16
- Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015
U.S. House
- Authorization for the Use of Military Force (ISIS)
- Authorization of Use of Military Force Against ISIL Resolution (formal permission to continue military actions against ISIL while partially restricting the use of ground troops)
- This bill puts on more limits than the President’s text but still allows for U.S. military intervention in the Middle East.
- H.J.Res.27, sponsored by Rep. Schiff (D-CA)
- MAPA Position: NO (but Better than President’s text)
- # of co-sponsors: 0
- Comprehensive Solution to ISIL Resolution
- H.J.Res.30, sponsored by Rep. Lee (D-CA)
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 7
- President’s Draft of AUMF
- Authorization of Use of Military Force Against ISIL Resolution (formal permission to continue military actions against ISIL while partially restricting the use of ground troops)
- Afghanistan
- Officially recognize the Taliban as terrorist organization
- H.Con.Res.13, sponsored by Rep. McKinley (R-WV)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors 27
- Responsible End to the War in Afghanistan Act
- Sponsored by Barbara Lee, has not been re-filed for 2015
- Officially recognize the Taliban as terrorist organization
- Iran
- Royce-Engel letter
- Asks the President to review any negotiations agreements with Iran
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of signatures: 2
- Royce-Engel letter text
- Royce-Engel letter
- Ukraine
- To authorize assistance and sustainment to the military and national security forces of Ukraine.
- H.R. 955, sponsored by Rep. Smith (D-WA)
- MAPA Position: No
- # of co-sponsors: 32
- To authorize assistance and sustainment to the military and national security forces of Ukraine.
- Israel/Palestine
- Effort to promote Israeli-Palestinian Peace
- H.Res.126, sponsored by Rep. Lee (D-CA)
- MAPA Position: Ambivalent; Places limits on settlements but the justifications in the text are unacceptable
- # of co-sponsors: 0
- United States-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act
- H.R.825, sponsored by Rep. Roskam (R-IL)
- MAPA Position: NO
- # of co-sponsors: 27
- Defend Israel by Defunding Palestinian Foreign Aid Act of 2015
- H.R. 364, sponsored by Rep. Clawson (R-FL)
- # of co-sponsors: 4
- MAPA Position: NO
- H.R. 277, sponsored by Rep. Hastings (D-FL)
- # of co-sponsors: 2
- MAPA Position: NO
- H.R. 364, sponsored by Rep. Clawson (R-FL)
- To authorize assistance to Israel to establish an anti-tunneling defense system, and for other purposes.
- H.R.1349, sponsored by Rep. Graham (D-FL);
- # of co-sponsors: 0
- MAPA Position: NO
- Effort to promote Israeli-Palestinian Peace
- Budget
- Audit the Pentagon Act
- H.R.942, sponsored by Rep. Lee (D-CA)
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 8
- Congressional Progressive Budget
- To be introduced 3/16
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors:
- 2014 version of Better Off Budget
- Audit the Pentagon Act
- Nuclear Weapons
- Smarter Nuclear Expenditures (SANE) (prohibits spending on: F-35s carrying nuclear weapons, reduce B61, W71, and MOX spending, replacing research building at Los Alamos, uranium processing facility at Y-12 Security Complex; cuts nuclear weapon subs to 8, submarine launched missiles to 250 and ICBMs on alert to 250)
- H.R. 1534, Sponsored by Rep. Blumenauer
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 11 (including McGovern)
- Smarter Nuclear Expenditures (SANE) (prohibits spending on: F-35s carrying nuclear weapons, reduce B61, W71, and MOX spending, replacing research building at Los Alamos, uranium processing facility at Y-12 Security Complex; cuts nuclear weapon subs to 8, submarine launched missiles to 250 and ICBMs on alert to 250)
- Privacy
- Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015
- H.R. 283, sponsored by Rep. Salmon (R-AZ)
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 3
- Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015
- Department of Peace
- Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2015
- H.R. 1111, sponsored by Rep. Lee (D-CA)
- MAPA Position: YES
- # of co-sponsors: 9
- Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2015