We Reaffirm our Support for Alex Morse

August 12, 2020 — Massachusetts Peace Action strongly reaffirms our support of Alex Morse. He will be a powerful voice for peace and progress in Congress from Massachusetts’ First District.   

We have recently seen criticisms of Alex Morse based on questions about his personal behavior, but any such concerns pale in comparison to the real question: who will better represent the First District?

A Congressional seat is of tremendous importance with far reaching implications. The policy differences between Alex Morse and Richard Neal are profound. Richard Neal exemplifies everything wrong with Congress. While receiving large donations from H&R Block, Neal prevents the IRS from enacting free tax filing methods. While receiving large donations from health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, Richard Neal blocked Medicare-for-All and worked to prevent Congress from lowering healthcare costs, this May, during a pandemic. While receiving large donations from Raytheon, Neal voted again last month to support the $740 billion Pentagon budget even after an amendment to cut it by 10% had been defeated. Richard Neal’s votes harm millions of Americans, as well as people around the world. As one example, how many people have died – from being unable to afford medication – because Richard Neal fought to keep drug prices high? It is disturbing that anyone would disqualify Alex Morse for his private life, which would leave the field open for Richard Neal and his horrendous, public record.

As we wrote when we endorsed Alex Morse in April, he “is committed to reducing the bloated Pentagon budget to reinvest in human needs such as healthcare and education. He is deeply concerned about nuclear weapons and would push for the US to reenter the Iran Nuclear Deal. He is committed to not criminalizing protests of Israel. Alex understands how we exacerbate the refugee crisis when we support authoritarian governments with weapons and money, while reducing diplomacy and aid. Morse’s views on foreign policy not only offer a moral counterbalance to President Trump’s xenophobic policies, they offer a refreshing challenge to the prevailing orthodoxy in Washington, D.C.” We will continue to support, and campaign for, Alex Morse.