
Veterans for Peace: Memorial Day Program

For Immediate Release: Contacts:  Louise Coleman, louisecoleman10@aol.com, 617-817-6706 Nate Goldshlag, nateg@pobox.com, 617-548-3588 When: Monday, May 30th @ 1:00pm EDT Where: Park St. Station, Boston, MA Our Message: Today, Memorial Day, activists will gather to honor and remember all victims of war. The program will begin at […]


Representative Lynch Palestinian 6

Press Release Contact:  Chloe Steele, chloebs322@gmail.com, 210-529-4449 Jill Charney, jillcharney1@gmail.com Louise Coleman (617)-817-6706 When: Thursday May 19th @ 3:30pm EST Where: 1245 Hancock St, Quincy Today, activists will gather outside of Representative Stephen Lynch’s Office to “Stand with the six” Palestinian Human Rights Organizations that have […]


Representative Auchincloss Palestinian 6 Standout

Press Release Contact:  Chloe Steele, chloebs322@gmail.com, 210-529-4449 Jill Charney, jillcharney1@gmail.com Louise Coleman (617)-817-6706 When: Friday May 13th @ 3:00pm – 4:00 pm EST Where: 29 Crafts St, Newton Today, activists will gather outside of Representative Jake Auchincloss’s Office to “Stand with the six” Palestinian Human […]